Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Zen

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 30
The Z Piece - Zen

So while we wait for our dreams and desires to come true, lets live the Zen way.

Here are some Zen proverbs that give us a clue to Zen living.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be - Lao Tzu

Be still, the quieter you become, the more you can hear - Ram Dass

Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river - Lao Tzu

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving - Lao Tzu

To hold you must first open your hand. Let go  ~ Lao Tzu

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished ~Lao Tzu

To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders ~ Lao Tzu

Chasing after the world brings chaos. Allowing it all to come to me brings peace.

Here's one of my favourites that summarises my philosophy:

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow.
 Let reality be reality. 
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
~ Lao Tzu

And a reminder when I feel disturbed or fearful

If you are depressed, you are living in the past
If you are anxious, you are living in the future
If you are at peace, you are living in the present  
~ Lao Tzu

Be Zen, Stay Zen. Namaste

image source: google images

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Yearning: Dreams and Desires

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 29 
The Y Piece - Yearnings: Dreams and Desires

Synonyms for Yearning: Desire, Dream

Letting go of eXpectations however does not mean you let go of your dreams or desires.

When we dream we set an intention and the Universe has something to work with for us. And even if that exact dream is not in your destiny, the Universe will provide the next step in your journey.

The dreams that we have a deep desire for are probably the ones that will come true as I believe they are good indicators of our destiny. But we need to let go of the need for it to come true in the way we want it to or imagine it to come true. And we do need to set our intentions in a way that the Universe can work with.

One of my dreams was to build my own house. But I didn't ask for a magnificent mansion, I asked for a house that was sufficient for my needs. And so 17 years ago, my dream came true of building my own house. I think if I had asked for a magnificent mansion or got too prescriptive, I might still be waiting for that dream to come true. (By the way, magnificent mansions hold no appeal for me. My small cosy home is just perfect for me).

So in other words, we set an intention but from then on we let go and go with the flow. Often we ourselves get into the way of our dreams or dither about constantly changing the parameters of our dreams and then keep complaining that they never come true.

This poem by Lauretta Burns, sums it up very nicely.

As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend, 
I brought my broken dreams to God, because He was my friend. 

But then, instead of leaving Him, in peace, to work alone; 
I hung around and tried to help, with ways that were my own. 

At last, I snatched them back and cried, "How can you be so slow?" 
"My child," He said, "What could I do? You never did let go.

Wishing you many dreams come true. 

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Monday, April 28, 2014

Life's Journey - (e)Xpectations

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 28
The X Piece - eXpectations

Taking a few liberties with the letter X .. sound rather than the start of the word.

There are many ways to make Peace from War. One of the major contributors of "war" is eXpectations of others and one of the ways to make peace is to have none.

When we have expectations of other people and when they don't live up to that expectation then dissatisfaction sets in. Expecting things from others inevitably leads to discontent. So set expectations for yourself not for others.  But set realistic expectations and know your limits as setting outlandish expectations that simply cannot be achieved can also lead to frustration.

There are of course boundaries that we do set for ourselves and having those expectations is not only okay it is necessary. For example, foul language and smoking are not permitted in my house. I expect the kids to place their plates in the kitchen after they finish, put their clothes in the laundry basket, help me bring in the groceries, have a high level of personal hygiene, be honest, have integrity, treat people well and behave well, take responsibility for their actions etc. Remembering of course that children learn best by example!

The kind of expectations I am referring to is where we expect someone to do something for us because we think they should or we believe it is our right to expect that, or be the person we want them to be or set such high expectations that they are simply not achievable by that person.

I have heard a number of times from various people "I can't change but I expect you too". Life does not work like that. All change comes from within. If you aren't prepared to change, did you really think that I would? I have watched so many people frustrated and destroyed because their expectations of others was simply not met. Frustration and destruction has a domino effect, it starts to destroy all in its path.

And yet when you do receive, remember to receive it as a gift, honour it and be thankful. The act of honouring and thankfulness itself can be a gift returned.

When we expect something from someone or expect them to do something, we are actually expecting them to live our own life. That simply isn't going to happen. Over the last 6 years I have learned that we each come with our own destiny, our own agenda for soul learning and growth and we each have to learn it in our own way and in our own time.

Relationships are one of our greatest teachers and expectations are one of our greatest destroyers.

My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, 
and in inverse proportion to my expectations. 
~ Michael J. Fox

May your happiness grow and praying that when your time comes to make that great leap of soul learning, that it comes to you in the nicest possible way. Blessings.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Sunday, April 27, 2014

UBC Day 27 - Paying It Forward

Ultimate Blogging Challenge Day 27

Almost at an end
Many new blogs discovered
Travelling is fun

The April Ultimate Blogging Challenge and the A to Z 2014 Challenge is nearly at an end. I discovered many new blogs but the ones I enjoyed a lot were the travel blogs. So here they are:

But I must also showcase the following blog, described in my haiku

And then there were dogs
Hope in times of great despair

Do check out these awesome blogs.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - War and Peace

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 26
The W Piece - War and Peace, The internal battle

Understanding the Vibrational Energy (or chi, prana) that flows within us and trying to stay in balance wasn't the case some years ago.

I've been through many internal wars before arriving at a place of peace.

Internal wars doesn't mean destruction it just means that I have questioned many of my own beliefs, beliefs of others, beliefs that have been passed through the ages, learned some new things, excelled at some and failed at others, left others incomplete. And there are some "wars" that have occurred between mind and heart.

Eventually my beliefs have evolved from the sum total of all these experiences and no doubt they will keep evolving.

But whereas previously I was uneasy and my mind was forever running in many directions and I felt disconnected and discontented, now I am more at peace with myself and with my world.

There came a point in my life (not long ago) when I learned to surrender completely to a higher and Divine power. That doesn't mean that I kick back my heels and expect things to be presented on a platter. It just means that I accept the course of life as it comes, to know that whatever happens is for a reason, to keep an open mind about things, to act responsibly but without attachment to the result of the action, to be contented with whatever I have.

It has truly simplified my life and it is much easier to live in the present rather than forever dwelling in the future, plotting and planning and creating unnecessary stress.

I have no idea what the future holds, I don't plan my life any more. I simply go with the flow knowing that whatever happens is just as it should be.

Peace comes from total surrender that goes beyond faith.

Abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace.
~ Lord Krishna, The Bhagavad Gita

Wishing you peace and joy.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Friday, April 25, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Vibrational Energy

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 25
The V Piece - Vibrational Energy

How is it that even though we are millions of miles away,  the Universe and the Divine can communicate with us?   And how is it that we feel connected to people from the different corners of the world?  And if we are all inter connected, how are we connected?

These are questions I've asked constantly and frankly the answer is I don't really know. But what I do believe is that we all have a field of energy that surrounds us. To test this rub your hands together then move them apart and you can actually feel that energy pulsating.

This I believe is our vibrational energy. We use this to set our parameters of our private space. Our vibrational energy also attracts people of similar vibrational levels. When we feel a complete affinity with someone, it probably means that we are at similar levels and when we feel uncomfortable or not in synch with that person, it means that our energies are out of alignment. I'm pretty sure we also use this vibrational energy to sense danger.

If you are familiar with the chakra system or energy centres within our body, our vibrational scale follows that system. A long time ago I used to do Qi Gong. It's aim is to balance the life energy or qi (chi or prana). Unfortunately the classes near my place shut down and moved too far. But while I was practising this regularly I could feel that energy move in me. Perhaps it is time to get back into it and practice at home.

Feeling that energy move through you is an amazing feeling.

image source: google images

Have a balanced and peaceful day. Om Shanti.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Thursday, April 24, 2014

LIfe's Jigsaw - Universal Divinity Speaks

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 24
The U Piece - Universal Divinity Speaks

What an awesome moment it was to see the Temple in the sky.

I believe that the Universe and the Divine constantly send us clues and messages, answer our questions or simply affirm.

They communicate with us in various ways though not always quite directly, allowing us to use our little grey cells or to seek the answers from within, that is from our soul. For the journey of life is as much physical growth (advancement of human beings) as is spiritual growth (progression of the soul to its ultimate purpose of meeting with the Divine).

I have figured out for myself that it communicates with me mostly through songs, through blogs, through certain friends, through dreams.

Most times my spirits are high and I am at ease with life but yesterday I was feeling uneasy, a little fearful of the future, my mind was at unease.

If you read my post yesterday, I was unable to form a post for the letter T. That usually happens when the mind is moving all over the place. I was also questioning my theme for this A to Z Challenge - did I pick the right theme, am I writing sense or is this the ramblings of a crazy mind?

And then I see the Temple in the sky.

Each time I am in need of some direction or some comfort, my beloved Lord speaks to me. In the last few years, my beloved Lord has spoken to me so many times - all through Divine Darshan (Divine Vision).  For the followers of my blog I have written many posts and poems on those Divine moments.

I feel blessed.

May you feel His presence in every moment of every day. Blessings to you all.

Some posts where I have written about these Divine moments:
Rose Petals At Your Feet     My Sweet Lord     The Vision of You     The Lesson

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Temple

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 23
The T Piece - Temple

So having written about my Soul, what could possibly follow on from that?

I couldn't make up my mind what to write for T.  I thought of Tranquillity or Thankfulness, but no words came to mind. I have written on these topics so many times that somehow writing the same thing again didn't feel right and  trying to find something new eluded me.

And then as I was looking at the sky through my lounge window this caught my eye:

And the thought that came into my head instantly was the Dwarkadhish Temple dedicated to Lord Krishna.

I've never been to Dwarka, Gujarat and in fact I have no idea what the temple looks like so I had to look it up and I was quite astonished at what I found.
What a totally amazing moment it was when I saw the Temple in the sky.

I am so thankful for this joyful and thrilling moment that brought tranquillity to my soul.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
but by the moments that take our breath away. 
~ Hilary Cooper

Enjoy this very tranquil and melodious bhajan dedicated to Lord Krishna. 

Wishing you all moments that take your breath away.

Thank you for stopping by. Blessings to all of you.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Soul

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 22
The S Piece - Soul

Note that all thoughts in this post are merely my thoughts and beliefs.

Our ultimate relationship is with the Divine. So how do we start that relationship?  I believe we do that through our soul.

Over the years the words, know yourself, love yourself, go within to find yourself, forgive yourself, be your true self, be your authentic self etc,  came at me through many discourses and blogs. I simply could not understand these concepts. How does one love oneself or know oneself or forgive oneself, be authentic, be real, go within. Go within?  - where, how?

Then the theories that we are really our souls, that the physical body is just that a body. That the soul controls all. The idea that we are not us (the physical self) but we are our soul somehow didn't feel quite right. If we are indeed only our souls then why are we always in disharmony with life, after all the soul is all knowing and all loving and peaceful. And how do we explain heinous acts that occur? That could not be an all loving, peaceful and caring entity.

I do believe that the soul is immortal and a spiritual entity that has probably lived many lives via many bodies and that it is ever loving, ever knowing entity. But the ideas that the physical self and the spiritual self are merged entities or that my physical self is only defined by my soul, I constantly questioned.

And so I concluded (for myself only) that the physical self and the spiritual self (or soul) are indeed two separate entities. For the soul to grow and experience life on earth it requires a body and for a body to be a living conscious entity it requires a soul. The relationship between the two is coexistent.

Now the idea of going within, of loving ourselves, of forgiving ourselves, of being our authentic self starts to make sense because our physical self can seek its soul and emulate it.

The physical self is controlled by our minds, circumstances and the choices we make.The soul is our life guide, our compass, our source of wisdom beyond the physical world, our source of Divine love. And when the physical self is in harmony with our soul, when it can tap into its love and wisdom and when it is prepared to be guided by it, then life is in harmony and the soul takes us towards that Divine source. Because meeting that Divine source is our soul's ultimate purpose.

These 2 poems that I wrote on my poetry blog Reflections Of My Soul depict my thoughts regarding the relationship between our physical self and our soul:

The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
Somehow I know but ever warily suspect
But like a nurturing mother she repeats the mime

If only I look and heed her care
For she is the essence of His love
And yet I rebel and ignore and dare
And close my eyes to her and above

Gently she coaxes and shows me the way
Patience epitomised love never wavering
Until at last in my life breaks that day
When I finally understand my soul's labouring

The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
My soul I am blessed, for you I have met
Now the journey with you in this life is sublime

I can't get away from myself by moving from one place to another
My load I carry everywhere, that much I know
No matter where I run it's never going to be further
For with me I travel wherever I go

I don't know what you look like or from whence you came
But without you I would be lost, that much I know
What would my life be if your guidance you refrain
My life would be more ebb and less of the flow

Wherever I travel, I blend in with the landscape
For earth is my present home, that much I know
My travels with you, my soul, my life does reshape
And through my adventures you learn and you grow

I wish I knew the reason for this life's quest
But you know all lifetimes, that much I know
And each step that I take is a cause and effect
And of journeys you planned a long time ago.

May your journey with your soul in this life be sublime.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Relationships

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 21
The R Piece - Relationship

Poetry is the medium that moves a river within me and brings joy to my soul. But life cannot be lived in complete solitude and isolation. Our biggest joys and our biggest sorrows all stem for the relationships we have as we go through our journey. Relationships are also our greatest teachers.

I believe that all relationships are soul connections. Nothing in life is by chance. Everyone who comes into our lives whether they are there for a fleeting moment in time or for a lifetime, we have agreed to meet in this life and we have agreed to part at the appropriate time.

There are relationships that are meant to teach us, sometimes very harsh lessons.  These relationships provide us the greatest opportunity for soul learning. There are others that are karmic, that is they occur to pay off our karmic debts.

And then there are some soul connections that are very special and these I believe are the ones that bring us the greatest joy. There is an inexplicable bond that you share with these souls that transcend this physical existence. These are relationships that continue to exist across different worlds.

I truly believe that my father and I shared a unique relationship. His presence always had a calming effect on me. In the last years of his life, he lost his hearing and communicating with him became difficult. But just sitting by his side in silence was comforting. Even now just the very thought of him brings peace to my soul.

My children are my strength and joy. In the difficult moments of my life, they give me the will to carry on. And they are great fun to be with.

Each of my relationships (those that I still have, those that have ended) has taught me something about myself but more importantly has helped me progress on my spiritual journey. For the ultimate relationship is of course between you and the Divine.

 In the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
~ Mother Teresa

Enjoy your day with your loved ones. May each step you take be towards that ultimate relationship.

The Jigsaw Pieces of my journey so far

Check out some blogs participating in the AtoZ Challenge

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Sunday, April 20, 2014

UBC Day 20 - Paying it Forward

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

Some old and some new
Bloggers known or discovered 
All hidden treasures

Featuring some bloggers from the AtoZers group. Some bloggers I've known for a while and some I've newly discovered

Janaki - I love Janaki's poetry but I'm also enjoying her AtoZ prose

Jean's fake words and fake meanings and some awesome sketches

Sulekha's story in 26 parts each starting with a letter of the alphabet and written in 55 words

Nabanita's short stories with emotions beginning with the letter of the day

Cynthia's series on Sermons in Stones - voices that speak

Vasudha didn't reveal a theme but her posts usually have a social or cultural aspect to it.

Do drop by and enjoy these blogs

Written for: The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Quatrains and Quindecasyllabic

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 19
The Q Piece - Quatrains and Quindecasyllabic

Having embraced the Universe's flow by paddling downstream
I also need to fearlessly take all that it throws my way
And believe whatever occurs is part of a greater dream
A greater purpose that is all part of the Lord's Divine play

Perhaps I must learn to live in solitude and contemplate
Perhaps I need to quiet the heart and mind to seek my soul
For connecting with Divinity to discover my fate
Is best done in solitude and silence with surrendered whole

Quatrain =  A quatrain is a stanza with four lines and a rhyme scheme. While a quatrain is only one verse, a quatrain poem can contain any number of quatrains (including one). definition from wiki how.

Quindecasyllabic = containing 15 syllables. (each of my lines has 15 syllables)

Some years ago I suddenly started writing poetry. The words just tumbled into my head. A year ago I started my poetry blog Reflections of my soul where I pen my poems, mostly with a spiritual twist.

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy ~ Rumi

Somehow I think I am meant to write poetry for not only does it bring me great joy but I feel that river move in me.

May you find that river move in you too.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Friday, April 18, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Paddling Downstream

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 18
The P Piece - Paddling Downstream

So having obsessed enough about things and with the slow dawning that life is just as it should be, that things happen for a reason far beyond what we can imagine or comprehend and that I am perfect just the way I am, I have concluded for myself (and this is for me only) that the Universe has a plan all of its own.

Life becomes easy when we accept and follow its plan even when the plan at that moment makes no sense.

Yet more often than not we continue to stubbornly follow our own plan and make life infinitely harder than necessary.

We seem to love paddling upstream, resisting the current, striving to change the course of destiny that in the first place we ourselves set up to achieve in this life.

“Do you know that you can paddle upstream your whole life, 
make yourself miserable for one reason or another 
and when you croak you’re going to go with the Flow.”
~ Abraham Hicks

The Universe has reminded me time and time again, sometimes gently and sometimes harshly, that it holds the blueprint of my destiny and that it is its plan that eventually will dominate.

I no longer plan my life.

And I have learned to have the faith and paddle downstream, to Be Here Now, to Go with the flow, to be Zen, and to Let it go.

Joy comes not in achieving a self created goal, which in my case is constantly being erased and replaced by a Divine plan, but in enjoying the moments that make up my journey through life.

You don't paddle against the current, you paddle with it. 
And if you get good at it, you throw away the oars.
~ Kris Kristofferson

The flow of the river takes all things along its path. And when the rock resists, it sits there until eventually the greater force of the river and its persisting flow wears it down.

I'm paddling downstream, going with the flow of the Universe. I've been a rock too many times that has been swiftly and strongly worn down by an ever knowing and ever loving Divine hand.

Be a doer of my works, accept Me as the supreme being and object, 
become my bhakta (devotee), be free from attachment and without enmity to all existences; for such a man comes to Me, O Pandava.
~ Lord Krishna to Prince Arjuna, Bhagvad Gita

image source: google images

Wish you a day when you are in the flow with the Universe.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Obsessions

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 17
The O Piece - Obsessions

Nature teaches us so beautifully that all things must balance.

But as human beings we are obsessed with achieving at any cost, we are obsessed with academics, we are obsessed with being wealthy, we are obsessed with finding love, we are obsessed with having the perfect body, we are obsessed with being one up on others, we are obsessed with reaching the top in our work, we are obsessed with having the fancy car and the mansion.

We believe that when we have got all of that, then we are successful and life is good. And when we fail to achieve all of that, dissatisfaction and frustration sets in.

Some obsessions are unhealthy and unfortunately create imbalances in our lives and in that chase for what we classify as success we forget to live, to appreciate all that we have, what the world holds for us.

I too went down many an obsessive path. Perhaps my greatest obsession was in having the perfect body. I've been on so many diets and exercise regimes. And the harder I tried the more annoyed I got when the weight that fell away a little, wouldn't shift any further. I was at the gym or at the karate class, or walking.

My life was just whizzing by and I was missing out on the little things. Like watching some TV with my kids, helping them with their homework, playing a game with them, just conversing with them about anything in life. And all because I was obsessed with finding perfection.

"Perfection is not something you strive for, you are already in a state of perfection" was a message given to me one night just at the point when I was about to fall asleep.

I stopped the madness in time and cut back on all that crazy exercising. Yes, the weight came back on but now I share many moments with my children. And what would I do with the perfect body anyway. I am as I am meant to be and I am perfect just the way I am.

If we must have an obsession, let it be for something good, let it be such that it doesn't create imbalances. Be obsessed with living in joy, be obsessed with having a healthy mind, spirit and body, be obsessed with helping others and making a difference in their lives, be obsessed with kindness, be obsessed with compassion, be obsessed with respect for all, be obsessed with healthy loving.

I never lose an opportunity to speak about my obsession: 
humankind and the environment
 ~ Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Enjoy life and now and then, more often than not, do stop and smell the roses.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Nature

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 16
The N Piece - Nature

Walking in Nature is Meditation for me. But there was a time when I took Nature for granted. A hill was just a hill, a tree just a tree.

I was caught up in the rat race and I lived in a concrete jungle. The gardens and parks were play areas for my daughter - a place I could send her to with the maid.

Then my destiny sent me a long long way to New Zealand. There was nature all around. Even the city is nestled among hills. The air is so pure and refreshing here that walking became a pleasure. And slowly I started to appreciate and understand Nature.

Each day I thank the lovely Pohutakawa tree near my bus stop that gives me shelter from the rain and protection from strong winds.

The beautiful hills around my home are so serene and calming. I sit each morning watching the hills and sipping my tea. It's one of my favourite times of the day.

The skies are amazing. They look different everyday and somedays the clouds make some amazing patterns. I look at the clouds sometimes and wonder if the patterns they form mean something.

I love the plants in my garden and I've grown to love them. I watch them change with each season. And the little birds perching on them look so sweet. I love walking bare-feet in my garden and feeling the grass underneath them.

And on the days when the wind stops blowing I actually miss the wind in my hair. Not many days when the wind doesn't blow as this is Windy Wellington and because of the wind, we have very little pollution here and the air always smells fresh and clean.

On Saturday mornings, I visit the Farmer's Market. I've been going for quite a while now and I usually get caught up in the buzz of the place. But the last few visits I have also noticed, the trees around the place that make the whole place look so pretty. I look at them and feel they are protecting us.

The last year, Nature has suddenly become an important part of my life. I've noticed so many things I had never seen before or taken for granted. Nature is so alive.

Our Earth is such a beautiful planet. We should all look after our Mother Earth and appreciate all the things she bestows on us. We have in recent times faced her fury and now and then she reminds us that we are privileged to live here.

the trees at the Farmer's Market

the hills I look at each morning - taken in Summer, it's much greener now

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet 
and the winds long to play with your hair.
 ~ Khalil Gibran

Enjoy nature but also respect her.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Meditation

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 15
The M Piece - Meditation

My greatest joy comes in love for the Divine, my sweet Lord. And what better way to connect with Him than through meditation.

I started meditating about 15 years ago. It's one of the best practices I've adopted.

When I first started meditating, I started with the traditional method of sitting in silence, cross legged on the floor, finger and thumb together, concentrating on my breath. I was uncomfortable, I moved about constantly and it was downright boring. I failed miserably.

Then I tried guided meditations visualising a grand staircase that you're going down slowly. But I always wanted to climb upwards on a staircase made of clouds!  Or I wanted to walk down a wooded path or I just wanted to sit in a garden on a swing and have a great time.  Or they were going to fast and I wanted it slowed down or they were going to slow and I wanted it faster. I failed miserably again.

Then I tried meditative music but that just made me bored and restless or I fell asleep. I just couldn't still my mind. I failed miserably yet again.

Stilling the mind is obviously not my cup of tea and by this time I was just about ready to give up on meditation, but that thought inside my head wouldn't go away - someday I will find the perfect "thing" that will take me there.

And so many other thoughts came into my head. Perhaps meditation for me is not stillness of mind. Perhaps it's just the ability to tune out and connect with my Lord. That's all, nothing more nothing less.

Meditation took on a completely different meaning for me when one night, while listening to instrumental music - pan flutes, all I could think of was the fusion of souls in a cosmic dance. I was in a different world. Meditation for me just meant the ability to be in a total state of bliss. No need for any messages or answers and no reprogramming of the mind is necessary, just peace and bliss.

The flute mesmerises me. It's melody is haunting.  Here's a song that can take me into that place of bliss where my soul goes on a cosmic dance.

But the one song where I feel that Divine connection the most is George Harrison's My Sweet Lord. I always feel that whenever I get a strong urge to hear this song, it is my sweet Lord who wants to connect with me. 

Walking in the hills and taking in the breathtaking beauty of nature is also another successful mediation for me.

So no need for all that stillness and breathing. Just find something that resonates and takes you into another world and that's your meditation. Who says one has to be quiet and focussed. George Harrison's song proves that even a song with a fast beat can take you to that place of peace. And the louder the volume the faster I go into that connection.

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo, Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat, Parabrahma,
Tasmayi Shree, Guruve Namah

O Master; You are the Creator, the Sustainer, the Divine, the Destroyer
And the true embodiment of omnipresent, transcendental Divinity.
To You, glorious and supreme Master
I humbly and reverently bow.

My sweet Lord
Hare Rama, Hare Krishna

May you find that state of bliss.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Monday, April 14, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Love

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 14
The L Piece - Love

If life is governed by the laws of karma then love is surely the way to good karma. Because when we operate from love we operate with the good of all in our hearts and minds. 

I always thought of love as a feeling, an emotion until a message was given to me a few months ago (read my Treasure post).

"Love is not something one gives or an emotion one feels, it is a state of being"

I interpret this to mean that
In a spiritual sense love is connecting with another human being at the level of our soul with understanding that all are spiritual beings.  
In a romantic sense that we connect with another with respect, tolerance, kindness and understanding
And that we do this not on an as needed basis, but on a constant basis. That is, this becomes a way of life for us.

I don't know about you'll but when I connect from my soul I feel as if love transcends lifetimes, that it is something beyond this world and eternal.

About 17 years ago I came across this poem by Rabindranath Tagore "Unending Love" that started me thinking about love beyond the confines of our world, a connection that crosses physical boundaries across the cosmos. And it became one of my favourite poems.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times...
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, it's age old pain,
It's ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
Clad in the light of a pole-star, piercing the darkness of time.
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.
At the heart of time, love of one for another.
We have played along side millions of lovers,
Shared in the same shy sweetness of meeting, the distressful tears of farewell,
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you
The love of all man’s days both past and forever:
Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life.
The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours –
And the songs of every poet past and forever.

Sending you all virtual love and hugs. May you find that unending love.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Sunday, April 13, 2014

UBC Day 13 - Paying It Forward

UBC Day 13

Stories and fiction
Books, authors, weddings, guest posts
This week's ensemble

The A to Z group on facebook have divided the bloggers into groups so this week I thought I would feature some from my group:

Tulika is featuring authors and their books - Loving this theme heaps. So many new authors and books to explore

Sitara is weaving an extremely interesting story around Indu - can't wait for the remaining parts

Archana's theme is fiction fragments - her K post was a real killer

Shiva is educating us on the fineries of the Indian marriage - one of my favourite theme's this challenge. Loving each moment of the Indian marriage.

So that's the round up this week from my group.

But I'm also going to throw in a post that touched my heart. Please check out this post from Kim who was Corinne's guest at Everyday Gyaan:  11 things I learned

My A to Z theme: Life's Jigsaw

Written for: The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Karma

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 12
The K Piece - Karma

When we live in a state of joy, we bring about good karma for how can joy create anything else? But what is karma?

Karma has been defined in many ways:
cause and effect
payment of debts (debits)
receipt of debts owed (credits)
what goes around comes around
you reap what you sow
Karma is definitely all of those things. But these are all things we think of in our human, earthly tangible way. Somehow I can't help thinking there is something more.

I've pondered on this for years. And here is my additional twist to karma (my thoughts only) ...

Perhaps it is also the life we've agreed to live:
no debits, no credits - just an agreement to live this life, to experience happiness and joy, grief and sadness, success and failure. sometimes even fame and fortune
to learn and to teach
 All of course for the betterment of all life, for soul growth.

This is the only way things make sense to me particularly when we see little children / babies go through difficult times like grave illnesses. Or when good people go through traumatic events or unimaginable grief. How can our generic definition of karma make sense?

Perhaps these are effects of previous lives, but perhaps it isn't that and they come to learn perhaps more to teach, to perhaps even change the course of history, or to bring about a social change, or to shake the roots of civilisation, to begin something new for mankind.

Here's my own quote on life:

Life is like a game of cards. You play the hand you're dealt the best you can. 

That hand of course could be the one we've pre agreed to play.

When the purpose of this life of mine is complete and I return to my home in the sky, I hope that I will have learned and experienced all that my soul set out to learn and experience. That I would have taught all that I hoped to teach. That all that I did was with kindness, in the betterment of the human race and with due consideration to Mother Nature. That I played the hand I was dealt the best I could.

Enjoy life. Learn and teach.  Help someone make a better life for themselves. Collect good karma.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

Friday, April 11, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Joy

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 11
The J Piece - Joy

Joy is my word for 2014 and Joy I hope to find in all things I do as I hope by living in joy I will also spread joy. After all we are all interconnected.

"Happiness is not a pursuit, it is a state of being" are words that came into my head not long ago.

I take that to mean that happiness cannot be found, it's not something we can search for. We choose to live each moment in joy, to see joy in everything, to look at the bright side of life and that even when hard times hit us, we are able to live in acceptance and move through it.

Big events bring us great joy, but little things bring us great joy as well. There is joy in receiving as well as in giving. We live in joy when we think joy. 

Your joy comes from how you think, the choices that we make in life
~ Joyce Meyer

Think joy. Celebrate joy. Be happy.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards

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