Saturday, April 5, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Enlightenment

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 5
The E piece - Enlightenment

All through life in our journey towards our destiny, we are all given a Divine helping hand. An answer is presented, or a message is given. More often than not these are indirect answers and messages but they plant a little seed of thought and the ever patient Universe lines up events that eventually lead to that moment of enlightenment, that aha moment that suddenly brings about clarity to take the next step or make some sense of events.

A few years ago a psychic friend said to me that my work in the future would take a different turn, working in the international aid arena. I was quite surprised but it got me thinking. And looking back on the strange events of my life, a pattern started to emerge. Steve Jobs summed this up nicely as joining up the dots.

About 7 years ago at a leadership course we played this game:
2 teams are competing to get a rare flower that has special medicinal properties from the government of a country. One team has been given unlimited money to purchase it for commercial use, 1 team (mine) are representing a charity to obtain the flower free for humanitarian aid. I was the spokesperson for my team and basically we stood no chance. But surprisingly we won. The feedback I got was that I spoke with so much passion that I completely convinced them that the flower should be donated for a worthwhile cause rather than sold for commercial use. 
About 10 years ago at a "life course".
The facilitator asked us to draw a picture of the life we would like to have in 20 years time. This was to be done without conscious thought, drawing from the heart. I was surprised at what I drew -  it was making a difference in the lives of people, bringing them joy and giving them an opportunity to live a great life.  
About 17 years ago at a leadership course:
The facilitator having observed all of us, was giving each one individual feedback on our leadership styles when suddenly he turned to me and said, "And someday, you will go out and do some humanitarian work". I was startled but then gave it no further thought.
Looking back to my childhood
For those who are regular readers of my blog already know about my grandmother who dedicated her life to humanitarian services. The seeds of this must've been planted in my brain since I was very young. And what an awesome role model I had. 
During my senior years in school I joined the interact club and some Saturdays we would visit the St Anthony's Orphanage, Byculla, in Mumbai. The children just gave me so much joy and I loved being there with them. They also seemed to flock to me. 
And the words of my friend, became my moment of "enlightenment". Perhaps my life's work truly lies in a completely different direction to where I am now.

I do not know how and when that destiny will come into view, but no doubt the Universe will line up more events that will take me there.

I have learned to pay attention to the messages and answers the Universe throws my way.

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing self is enlightenment ~ Lao Tzu

May you too have an enlightening day.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards


  1. It definitely must be a great moment of joy when you attained enlightenment. I am still waiting for that moment with no clue at all. The dots are sparse and so widely spread across that I can't join them.

    The three incidences you have quoted can surely make one think.

    Suzy, I am extremely sorry for missing from your blog since long. I wasn't blogging at all for past 6/7 months. I am yet not back to blogging regularly.


    1. Thanks Pree. Nice to see you again here. I'm sure as time goes by those dots will become clearer. Aha moments come at the most unexpected times.

  2. The moment of enlightenment is surely a great moment. There is something amazing when everything comes together and you begin to understand all the whys and hows. Great post!

    1. Thanks Kathy. The aha moment is an exciting moment.

  3. This is so interesting, Suzy! Loved reading how everything worked out!!

    1. Thanks Roshni. No doubt more events will line up to take me there.

  4. A wonderful post, Suzy. I liked that reference to connecting the dots. The experiences from those workshops and the school-days memory really help make your point. Paying attention to the dots along the life-path and being open and receptive to the messages from the universe - yes, that's really a helpful advice.

    1. Thanks Beloo. Messages come to us in so many ways. Sometimes we get them quickly, sometimes it takes years. But the more open and receptive we get the more clearly they come through.

  5. Its true that our childhood experiences make us what we are today, You are fortunate to have a role model in your grandmother !

    1. Thanks Ananya. Yes she was an awesome lady.

  6. I wonder what my moment of enlighment would be... maybe I am not done yet connecting the dots... beautiful post.

    1. Thanks Rajlakshmi. There are many aha moments in life - some little and some monumental. The dots will connect someday.

  7. I am so glad to have read this!!! Very timely and educative. :)


  8. We all have these moments of enlightenment which change us for good. Good luck with your humanitarian work. God bless

    1. Thanks Afshan. Some day that destiny will show itself clearly at the moment, I'm still joining up the dots.

  9. Enlightenment must mean different things to different people...not necessarily spiritual. Good that you found yours.

    1. So true Janu. Enlightenment in the context of my post is those aha moments. I would never claim to be a spiritually enlightened being.

  10. Wow! Loved your journey towards reaching your true calling!! Yes, there are signs, which we need to recognize! All the very best to you as you make a difference in other people's lives! :)

    1. Thanks Shilpa. I am looking forward to the day when that destiny becomes a reality. It's exciting.

  11. So nice for you Suzy that you are able to see the pieces take their place in the jigsaw puzzle. Often times, we can only put the pieces together in retrospect.

    1. Thanks Prathima. I've done a lot of retrospection to find those pieces. So you are absolutely right that we can only put them together in retrospect.

  12. You're fortunate Suzy that your calling came to you so clearly. Most of us flounder till the end. But then you were smart enough to read the signs and connect the dots.

    1. Thanks Tulika. It took a long time to work out the pattern. Someday soon hopefully that destiny will come into view.

  13. KNnw urself and better know the world..wise man saying


    1. Thanks Pheno. Key is to know oneself first.

  14. What a fantastic story Suzy. I wish my calling would come to me!

    1. Thanks Sophie. I'm sure it will - in one aha moment.

  15. Good blog. Really interesting points here.

    Why not E for Entertainment?

    1. Thanks Nick. Well hopefully my blog entertains. :)

  16. That's a fantastic story! I wish someone would tell me what my calling is too! In the men time, I am trying to figure it out on my own :)

    1. Thanks Peddlerofdreams. Perhaps someday soon someone or something will trigger your aha moment or at least plant a thought in your mind.

  17. What an amazing set of experiences. I hope that everything aligns to make these 'prophecies' come true soon.

    1. Thanks Corinne. I hope so too. This is something I am so passionate about and I feel this excitement each time I think about it.

  18. I always enjoy your posts, Suzy. They give me a lot to think about and are always "enlightening" This one today, especially! ;) There is definitely a thread running through your life that connects you to your life's purpose.

    1. Thanks Cat. I like to think that too (the thread). It's quite exciting when it reveals itself.

  19. I too believe that knowing self is enlightenment :)

  20. Well, I found this post very enlightening :)

  21. Many of us are conditioned to believe more in the wisdom of others than in our own enlightenment. That's why we don't even try to become enlightened. Instead, we keep seeking others' approval. We must change.

    1. True ProactiveIndian. Sometimes events occur in our lives that force us to introspect. Then we find that looking within is so much more interesting than looking outwards.

  22. Those "AHA" moments in life are few and far between, it seems. Some people do better than others, in that regard. I'm still working on it. ☺

    1. I think once we are open to receiving those aha moments as you are, they come more often.

  23. Glad everything just worked out so beautifully...enlightenment-surely an aim for me...clsoe it it but not completely there yet! :) Lovely post!

    1. Thanks Kajal. I am far from being enlightened in the spiritual sense, but aha moments they start to come if we are open to receive.

  24. That's a lovely's amazing just how you have seen the patterns and the messages in your life. I am trying to trust the universe a lot more but I think I'm yet to learn how to listen to the messages it sends...

    1. Thanks PB. There are so many ways by which the Universe communicates with us. Each time I hear, see or read something that resonates with me, I take that as a message.

  25. Lovely post Suzy...we just need to recognize those moments no? Your A-Z posts on Life's Jigsaw are really enlightening!

    1. Thanks Aditi. Yes we do. Aha moments come when we least expect them. Glad you are enjoying my posts.

  26. And we think, why didn't I think of this before ! All this is a cosmic revelation, spiritual in nature !! :) Lovely post, Suzy !

    1. Thanks Sreeja. Exactly, life just drifts by until someday something triggers and then it all starts to make sense. Glad you liked my post.

  27. When I'm filled with gratification and gratitude, I become humble from inside that I feel I'm breathing the purity inside me.....probably this is the road towards it. Thanks for sharing...

    1. I'm sure it is Shellymona. Going within we find all answers.

  28. Enlightment can occur in any form. Like you said, the missing piece of the puzzle needs to fit.

    1. Absolutely right Pooja. Sometimes the things we overlook are great moments that reveal themselves later - like that little piece we keep looking for that suddenly surfaces.

  29. Enlightenment is never restricted to a day or moment it is a continuous process which never ends.


    1. Thanks Richa. I think "enlightenment" occurs as many little moments. But then I'm talking about those aha moments. Spiritual enlightenment is something I would not even try and attain - I'm so far off from there.

  30. There is some ONE Divine...that's for sure and loved your post...I've had moments in my own life when I knew those were divine moments...Great post!

    1. Thanks Danny. It's such a great feeling to get those moments of Divine inspiration. Glad you dropped by.

  31. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be enlightened...or what if I missed the moment...another post to ponder upon Suzy...

    Random Thoughts Naba

    1. You'll never miss the moment - it'll come back in another way Naba.

  32. I'm glad you pay attention to messages. I probably miss them all.

    1. I missed a lot of them Joyce before paying attention.

  33. I loved your reading about your experiences.... the moments we in life may be are destined to take us to our future :)

    1. Thanks Sheethal. I truly believe that every moment takes us towards our destiny.


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