Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Grace

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 8
The G Piece - Grace

Having learned the lesson of forgiveness sometimes in difficult and harsh ways, I am also reminded that we are constantly being showered by His grace. 

Some years ago, I came across a youtube video where a guest speaker (forget who) read some Rumi poems. This one really stood out for me and Rumi became one of my favourite poets.

The wine of Divine Grace is limitless
All limits come only from the faults of the cup.

Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its window.

Grant a great dignity, my friend, to the cup of your life;
Love has designed it to hold His eternal wine.


The verse is a good reminder that God showers his love and Divine grace in abundance. But how much we are willing to receive is up to us.

Until very recently I was one of the many who found it real hard to accept a compliment or a gift graciously. But compliments and gifts are all part of His Divine grace. I have now learned to receive graciously and with gratitude.

And in doing that we not only bring the giver joy but we also send a message to the Universe that we are open and willing to receive.

May the cup of your life hold His eternal wine.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards


  1. I love Rumy's works... They are so though provoking and insightful. Thank you for sharing those verses.

    1. I love Rumi too Rajlakshmi. His words are so beautiful.

  2. I am on a sort of spiritual journey myself. I'm not the best person around, but at least I try.

    Meanwhile, interestingly enough, I have in the past compared myself to a puzzle :)

    1. Thanks Jgifedeizo. Welcome to my blog. At some point in our lives we all undertake a spiritual journey.

  3. Thanks for Rumi's verses, Suzy. Loved them.
    Only if we could feel all the grace that's flowing to us from everywhere !

    1. Thanks Sreeja. Glad you liked it. Grace flows to us in all the things we do - we just forget sometimes to remember that.

  4. accept the blessings with grace ... Interesting!!! The verses were insightful

    1. Thanks Shiva. Glad you liked the verse. Rumi is an amazing poet.

  5. I feel I was more in-tuned with spirituality when I was a student and then gradually life happened and I find myself going away from it...And I feel like I'm missing out on the grace that I always felt was around me ...Maybe I have indeed stopped receiving it due to my own shortcoming or inhibitions or just being busy with the wrong things? Hmm... Something to think about no?

    Random Thoughts Naba

    1. Yes Naba something to ponder over. When we are younger we are certainly more in tune. Then the older we get we find it harder until suddenly one day we find we need to start the quest again.

  6. Rumi is one of my favourite poets of all time! Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem of his. This beautiful post has compelled me to share with you something personal - we named our home Grace, because we really believed that it was so. The way we found it, the way we it became ours, the way we feel about it...all of it is simply Grace! Thanks Suzy for this post :)

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

    1. Thanks Beloo for sharing your lovely story on Grace. Sounds like the perfect name for your home.

  7. That's a beautiful post Suzy. We are usually taught to give compliments, but not to receive them graciously. This makes us brush compliments aside as we are uncomfortable receiving it.

    1. Thanks Prathima. Don't know why we are taught that way. We should all learn to receive gracefully.

  8. Someone had once read my poem and commented that it reminded her of Rumi's poem. I had been over the moon, love all Rumi's works. Loved your post and the lines of poetry you shared.

    1. Wow Sulekha. That is a great compliment. I love Rumi's poems too.

  9. I love Rumi. Grace and gratitude are the two faces of coin.

    1. So nicely put Janu. How can you love poetry and not love Rumi?

  10. No one can say it as well as Rumi. Beautiful lines.

  11. Receiving a compliment or gift with grace is MUCH NEEDED as it makes the giver immensely happy !
    Rumi's lines r bful ofcourse

  12. What a beautiful post, Suzy. I agree completely. His grace is never ending. But how much we receive depends upon whether we bring a small cup or a bucket. Rumi's verses always provide tremendous food for wonder and contemplation.

    1. Thanks Cynthia. there is so much wisdom in Rumi's verses.

  13. Lovely post, Suzy. :) And I truly agree. Great share. Thanks.
    Shalzzz|Loving Life
    Check out my latest at TaleofTwoTomatoes

    1. Thanks Shalzzz. glad you liked it and thanks for dropping by my blog.

  14. Grace is unmerited favor...you get something you don't deserve and only God can give like He gives...Great post!

  15. Rumi is divine.....
    His thoughts emerge from blessings bestowed him...

  16. very insightful and interesting!! :)

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  17. Rumi's poem as well as your post is very insightful :)

  18. we should be a believer in order to be able to accept the grace that is showered on us :)

    a-z participant


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