Friday, April 18, 2014

Life's Jigsaw - Paddling Downstream

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each little piece is an aspect of our journey through it. And when at last we find that last piece and fit it into place, we eventually see the meaning of this life.

UBC Day 18
The P Piece - Paddling Downstream

So having obsessed enough about things and with the slow dawning that life is just as it should be, that things happen for a reason far beyond what we can imagine or comprehend and that I am perfect just the way I am, I have concluded for myself (and this is for me only) that the Universe has a plan all of its own.

Life becomes easy when we accept and follow its plan even when the plan at that moment makes no sense.

Yet more often than not we continue to stubbornly follow our own plan and make life infinitely harder than necessary.

We seem to love paddling upstream, resisting the current, striving to change the course of destiny that in the first place we ourselves set up to achieve in this life.

“Do you know that you can paddle upstream your whole life, 
make yourself miserable for one reason or another 
and when you croak you’re going to go with the Flow.”
~ Abraham Hicks

The Universe has reminded me time and time again, sometimes gently and sometimes harshly, that it holds the blueprint of my destiny and that it is its plan that eventually will dominate.

I no longer plan my life.

And I have learned to have the faith and paddle downstream, to Be Here Now, to Go with the flow, to be Zen, and to Let it go.

Joy comes not in achieving a self created goal, which in my case is constantly being erased and replaced by a Divine plan, but in enjoying the moments that make up my journey through life.

You don't paddle against the current, you paddle with it. 
And if you get good at it, you throw away the oars.
~ Kris Kristofferson

The flow of the river takes all things along its path. And when the rock resists, it sits there until eventually the greater force of the river and its persisting flow wears it down.

I'm paddling downstream, going with the flow of the Universe. I've been a rock too many times that has been swiftly and strongly worn down by an ever knowing and ever loving Divine hand.

Be a doer of my works, accept Me as the supreme being and object, 
become my bhakta (devotee), be free from attachment and without enmity to all existences; for such a man comes to Me, O Pandava.
~ Lord Krishna to Prince Arjuna, Bhagvad Gita

image source: google images

Wish you a day when you are in the flow with the Universe.

Written for: A to Z Challenge and The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

Warm Regards


  1. An inspiring post, once again! Yes, to go with the flow of things and let go of the tendency to control every thing, plan everything can be such a release and bring on a great sense of relief and calm. Very well written and thanks for some very appropriate quotes.

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

    1. Thanks Beloo. Going with the flow certainly simplifies life.

  2. Paddling upstream and downstream is just a part of our life
    Good reminder again

  3. It is always better to go with the flow instead of trying to control.Rightly said,Suzy.

    1. Thanks Vasudha. It's so much harder to go against the current.

  4. I try to take one day at a time, and sometimes it's so difficult... I tend to be a contro freak of my own life, and forget that God is in control, of everything, even the hairs on my head! Brilliant post! ;)

    1. Thanks Dani. glad you liked my post. Yes agree, sometimes quite difficult to let go and let God.

  5. Truly.. sometimes going with the flow is good idea.

    1. I can't think of going any other way now Tulika. going with the flow has become my way of life.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Naba. Takes the stress out of life.

  7. Loved the quotes...I too believe in going with the flow rather than fighting the current.

    1. Thanks Janu. It make life so much easier and less stressful.

  8. Very inspiring indeed going by the flow which we often forget...

    1. Thanks. glad you found my post inspiring.

  9. A gentle reminder, Suzy...yet a strong one...will keep this in mind..

    1. Thanks Found in Folsom.Glad my post could be of help

  10. Motivating post, Suzy and sometimes, it's pointless to fight unnecessarily and better go with the flow,

    1. Thanks Vishal. It's always a battle to go against the current.

  11. Beautiful and inspiring words. I love the river analogy , sometimes I too just let the universe direct me.

    1. Thanks Rajlakshmi. The Universe is infinitely wiser and smarter - best to go where it takes us.

  12. It sure is a lot easier to paddle downstream.

  13. It is so easy to go with the flow, so why do we resist it? God makes us or we do? An insightful post and a relevant one too.

    1. Thanks Sulekha. I think it's man's inherent nature to try the impossible. we get this false sense of achievement.

  14. Another inspiring post again! Yeah, there are 2 destiny that man have. God's will and our freedom of choice.

    1. Thanks Mark. You summed that up well. Best to go with God's will and then make some sensible choices along the way. Thanks for dropping by my blog.


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