Saturday, May 21, 2011

Adversity is a catalyst

Adversity strikes suddenly. How we react to it is entirely upto us.

I have been single for the last three years after a 28 year relationship ended. I have had two health scares (luckily turned out to be non events in the end) and I have been made redundant thrice. I have lost people so dear to my heart via death as recently as a year ago. And again I find myself in-between jobs. It's not an easy time in my life.

I would love to have the job of my dreams, financial freedom, abundance in all aspects of my life, and a soulmate to love, cherish and share life with.

I have read an endless list of books, blogs, articles, tweets, FB posts, listened to lectures, vlogs, all conveying the message that the Universe will provide, that we should have the faith, focus on the positive, set the intention etc. After all we attract into our lives what our thoughts focus on.

I know that all of these are true and I am grateful and give thanks that these wonderful people have shared their stories, wisdom and successes with us. A lot of what I have learned and practise is through their works. But in reality we simply cannot sustain the positive frame of mind constantly.

I keep my spirits high and I try to look on the bright side of life. I know the Universe has a plan and I must wait patiently but there are days when I go through intense fear, loneliness and sadness and there are other days when the hope comes shining through only to be dashed again.

So how do I cope?

I allow myself to feel the sadness, loneliness, fear, and sometimes even anger. I know that only when I allow myself to feel, can I heal. I tell myself that it's okay to feel afraid, sad, abandoned, lonely, and angry. Because eventually I know I will move into a happier and positive space.

So how do I move into the happier and positive space?

I take action.

Adversity is a catalyst for action. Often one you never dreamed you would do.

The action I take is not necessarily big. Sometimes doing nothing or inaction is also action. There are days when looking for a job becomes too stressful so on those days I just take a break and do nothing about the job search. Instead I send a prayer to the Universe for help and then I just blob - with a book, TV, blogs whatever I feel like on that day.

The point I make here is that it is okay for me to feel low as long as I take action to move out of it. And when I am inspired to do something I urge myself to - Just do it.

This blog is one of those actions - a just do it and something I never dreamed I would do. Writing helps me project what I feel. It helps me detach temporarily from the situation and provide some breathing space. Then I can deal with the situation a whole lot better.

I was Divinely inspired and led to start this blog. I have been blogging for just over a year via a private blog. I was guided to write a public blog. And it's scary. Sharing your words with people you know is entirely different to sharing with the wide world. I don't know why or where it will lead. All I know is that I must "Just do it" even if I feel the fear. And that if even one person is helped by what I write, I will have made a difference.

So I will trust the Universe that it knows what I must do and I will write as I am guided by it.

I hope it will bring inspiration and comfort to those who need it.

Love and hugs,


  1. Nice one Suzy!

    - all good things come to those who wait - when you look back, you will understand why the pause happened and how important it was.

    Continue having faith in the universe of your understanding.

    Purry Hugs,


  2. Hi Suzy

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I myself went through a terrible time a few years ago. I felt I had fallen off the edge of life and no longer existed as a person.

    I agree with you that the universe will provide and guide you in the right direction. The best advice I can give is to stick to the things that you have a genuine passion for and involve yourself in these activities as if your life depended on it. You will then become much happier and will be able to see opportunities all around you. You may find yourself taking off in a different direction; one that you could never have anticpated or planned for.

    Please keep blogging I am always inspired by what you write

  3. Suzy, I think the best thing about your written word is that it comes straight from the heart, completely unadulterated. Loved what you wrote.

    1. Thanks Shilpa. Glad you like the way I write and I hope whatever I do write will comfort or help someone somewhere. Sending you love and light and many blessings.

  4. I'm so glad you decided to go for it and start the public blog. I'm also grateful that I found you, or that you found me!


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