Tuesday, January 29, 2013

UBC 28 - ABC Wednesday - C is for ...

Day 28 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and ABC Wednesday

Posting a little early for ABC Wednesday but today my mind just went blank and I couldn't think of a single thing to write about.

C is for ... Cable Car

The Cable Car is one of the unique attractions in Wellington. It runs from Lambton Quay, Wellington's Main street to the Botanical Gardens in Kelburn.

The cable car also makes a stop at Wellington's Victoria University so it is often full of students.

It was opened to the public on 22 February 1902.

It's a pretty ride and some spectacular views along the way.

Here are some pictures I've taken over the years of the cable car. Pictures taken from the Botanical Gardens - Kelburn cable car station.

On it's way to Lambton Quay

Leaving Kelburn station and heading towards the University stop.

And this picture is taken on Lambton Quay outside Cable Car Lane. Wellington has some very interesting signs. I love this one.

Have a fun day.

Warm Regards


  1. It looks great, I loved the pictures and learning a little about Wellington :)

    1. Thanks Lena, glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting.

  2. I bet those would be so much fun to ride on!!!


  3. rode one in SF, California; it wasn't as pretty
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

    1. Been to SF but didn't ride the cable car there as I've done it hundreds of times in Welly. Thanks for your comment.

  4. I don't know who decided that Cable Cars should be red, but I'm glad they are! Adds a lot of color to a street scene!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Thanks Lea. That's an interesting observation but yes, it does add a splash of colour.

  5. I rode the cable cars in San Fransisco and it was lots of fun. Also, visited the Cable Car Museum and that was fascinating to see how it all works. Love the view from "your" cable car!

    abcw team

    1. Thanks Leslie. They are fun to ride though often crowded. The views in Wellington are spectacular.


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