Monday, April 8, 2013

UBC 8 - AtoZ - Gratitude

Day 8  of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and the letter G for the  AtoZ Blogging Challenge

G is for .... Gratitude

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being
We should be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. 
~Albert Schweizer

So often we take for granted the benefactors who come our way. Sometimes all they do is just speak kindly to us, or encourage us, hug us or just simply listen.

Over the years so many of these wonderful people have come my way and helped me through troubling times. I am so grateful to all of them. Because of them my inner spirit has been rekindled over and over again.

I am a firm believer that being grateful for all the things that come our way is the way to happiness. That doesn't mean that only good things come our way.

Sometimes it is the difficult moments in life that we need to be most grateful for because they make us sit up and take stock of our life. They are messages from the Universe to alert us that we are straying from our life purpose and they coax us onto our destined path.

When troubling moments arrive, I don't always understand why but I have learned to trust the Universe that   it is always a stepping stone to something better. Over the years I have learned that our attitude to these moments either make or break us and that the bad times don't last forever.

So many people appear on our path to lift us out of the troubling moments and we may not even know who they are.  My blog readers are also my benefactors and more importantly those whose blogs I subscribe to and read provide me with the inspiration I need every moment of the day. I am so grateful for all the wonderful posts that I read everyday.

I wrote this post a long time ago and at that time my post was inspired by Jodi Chapman's post Grateful for an act of Grace.  Thanks Jodi for an inspirational post.

But today's word for the AtoZ challenge was a result of  Caro Ness' poetry post about my blog  and
Vidya Suri's mention of my Fountains post on her blog.

Thank you Caro and Vidya - I am so grateful to both of you for re-kindling my inner spirit today.

Thank you also to all you wonderful people out there who take the time to read my posts and write some awesome comments, and to all of you who inspire me through your posts.

May all those who rekindle our inner spirit, constantly appear on our path.

Warm Regards


  1. Beautiful post, Suzie. I originally wanted to write about Gratitude, perfect for G, but decided to go with something else, instead.

    I am touched by the mention.

    You're an inspiration! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Vidya. Going Green is a good topic to write about.

  2. Thank you for a beautiful reminder; sometimes we forget when we get so involved with life to be grateful for the good that we receive. :D

    1. Thanks Mary. Sometimes it's what we think are little insignificant things that turn out to be the big things.

  3. Such a sweet post! :-) kept me smiling all along. Here's one of my faves. Many thanks, Laxmi.

    - Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

    Melody Beattie

    1. Thanks Laxmi and thanks for sharing the very lovely quote.

  4. Like I mentioned in my comment on Sridevi's post (also on Gratitude), I use gratitude as my only prayer these days.

    1. Hi Corinne, those are great prayers. I do that too.

  5. We love your writing, Suzy! Lovely post!

    1. Thanks Roshni that's so sweet of you to say.

  6. A lot of thank you posts me a warm feeling of blessings showered. Nice work Suzy. And so true about people on our path and the message of the Universe at difficult times. Really liked it.

    1. Thanks Blogwati Gee. Lots of gratitude going around today.

  7. how true- often we forget the people who have helped us in shaping & putting us on the right path; truly blessed post suzy

  8. beautiful post ! :)
    If we all can be as thankful as you ! :)

  9. lovely warm post Suzy :) AM so glad and grateful , we are able to connect in so many ways :)

    1. Thanks Sridevi. Me too - happy to have "met" you all.

  10. Lovely quote from Albert Schweitzer. It's good to remember those who have helped reignite our inner fire and to be that spark when needed to those around us.

    visiting from the #AtoZChallenge
    Twitter: @mentalmosaic

    1. Thanks Tui. I like that quote too and I love your words "be that spark when needed" Ever so true. Thanks for visiting.

  11. Such a lovely post, Suzy. As somebody said, gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. :)

    1. You have put it so well Shilpa. I echo.

    2. Thanks Shilpa and Pallavi. And yes I agree with Pallavi, beautifully put and nicely summed up.

  12. Was a delightful read Suzy
    Many gratitude posts today and every post made me feel better
    May u always inspire others by your blog
    Good day :)

    1. Oh Thanks Afshan - that's so sweet. Yes, lots of gratitude going around and all posts (gratitude and others) were great.

  13. Beautiful post Suzy! Must agree with the closing remarks. Amen.

  14. This is something that i needed badly. Thankyou Suzy. I extend my gratitude to you for being there in with me in this A-Z Challenge. You along with others have inspired and motivated me to keep going.

    I hope we be with each other even when the challenge ends.

    Thank you Suzy.


    1. Thanks Preetilata - the encouragement all around is superb - keeps us all going. I am sure we'll all be together even after the challenge is over.

  15. Superb post. I am sure it will inspire many more people to feel gratitude. At the end of the day, what a wave of positivity we shall see.

    1. Thanks Cynthia - so much gratitude going around today - it is truly a wonderful day. Loved your post.

  16. I think it is in the difficult moments that we need to show gratitude the most. Sometimes when we are faced with a problem, we get so wrapped up in self pity that we we forget all that we have .. and counting our blessings really help us in look on the positive side !

    1. I agree Ruchira. But it's hard to find the gratitude at that time.

  17. It's all about attitude...
    But as said before it's hard when facing problems. That's life - to learn every day!

    1. Hi Blogitse - sometimes it is hard to keep a good attitude - I think that's okay too.

  18. Gratitude in all things is key, Suzy! Beautiful and uplifting post - you warmed my heart today, friend!
    Blessings and love!

    1. Thanks Martha for your very sweet comment that made my heart smile. Blessings and love to you to my friend. Your posts always rekindle my inner spirit.

  19. Excellent post. Excellent reminder that even a small thing can be huge for someone.

    1. Thanks Talya. I think rekindling someone's inner spirit is hugely satisfying.

  20. I just hope someday I also have this wisdom to know that my attitude towards a bad situation makes or breaks me. My life would become so much simpler. Long way to for me. Sigh!

    1. Hi Naina, I walked an extremely long and hard road to realise that.

  21. Suzy, its the trust in the Universe that's hard to develop. And once you do, overcoming everything is a matter of that trust. The Universe will guide you, send messages, people, benefactors to help you every single step of that way. That trust, call it 'Belief in God', 'Self-esteem' or 'Destiny'.. that is hard to come by and develop. I am happy that you have it. And I do hope you are guided every step of your way.


    1. Thanks Meera - yes trust in the Universe is not easy. It has taken me half my life to finally trust and let go. And it has made my life infinitely happier. I wish the same for you - a Universe that constantly guides you.

  22. Lovely post.I am also grateful to some who have entered my life at the opportune time.

    1. Thanks Shail. And may others come your way when you need them.

  23. Excellent choice for the letter G! A wonderful reminder to count our blessings. Thank you!

  24. A truly touching post and wonderful reminder. Made me reach out to a few people who I feel grateful for just to thank them!

  25. Love your post Suzy! and BRAVO for doing TWO blogging challenges!
    I couldn't figure out how to sign up for the A-Z challenge.
    I did like their idea of using a letter for each day of the week.
    It helped me organize my posts for the Ultimate blogging challenge.
    Living in gratitude has always been my motto,
    so happy and grateful for all I have, everyday!

    1. Thanks Patti. The challenges are fun but also quite taxing on the brain! But I am grateful for these challenges that help me connect with so many people, read some inspirational posts and keep my brain ticking!

  26. Grateful is a word that helps us appreciate all that we are blessed with. Blogging has opened up a world for me that has blessed me beyond I could even think.

    Technology enables us to share with people all around the world which makes the chance of us receiving a gift of love or hope higher than without it.

    I am grateful today for crossing your path and your blog.

    1. Thanks so much Sara. Blogging has also opened up a whole new world for me also. Thanks for visiting my blog and wish you many awesome days. Happy blogging.

  27. Great post, Suzi. Wow, you're doing two challenges. You go, girl!

    I also wrote about Gratitude as it is such a wonderful topic to write about. Being grateful each day reminds me of what's important and that things are pretty good just as they are.

    Cattitude and Gratitude

    1. Thanks Writercat I cheat on the 2 challenges - the AtoZ posts line up nicely with the UBC. Gratitude is a great topic. I have read so many Gratitude posts in the last few days and each one has been inspirational. Loved your poem.

  28. This was so beautiful Suzy! Thank you for taking the time to express your gratitude and inspire all of us!

    1. Thanks Vrndavana. You are an inspiration too.

  29. I so needed to hear this today! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Bibi. Glad you liked my post and glad I could be of help to you today. Thanks for visiting.

  30. I agree...That the perspective that we have amidst both the joys and tribulation life offers up to us has a large impact on our ability to both enjoy and overcome them. I would say the two most valuable lessons I have learned over the last few years, spiritually, that has helped me maintain a sense of peace is gratitude and mindfulness. Gratitude births miracles. :)

    1. Thanks Jessica - I love your words Gratitude births miracles - that made my heart soar. Thank you my friend and blessings to you.

  31. Wonderful post Suzy!! Having a heart of gratitude is something we all should try to have.

    1. Thanks Jenn. We are often cognizant of the big things and full of gratitude for that but forget that the little ones are equally important.

  32. Lovely post and so inspirational.



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