Monday, October 19, 2015

Ultimate Dinner Party Guest List - #MondayMusings #MicroblogMonday

The I Must Confess prompt for this week is My Ultimate Dinner Party Guest List. I am going to choose those who are still alive in this world rather than those that have passed on. So here goes ...

The Dalai Lama - I have heard so much about the Dalai Lama. Those who have had the privilege of meeting him tell me there is such a spiritual air about him, a divine aura, such a sense of happiness and peace. I want to bask for a moment in that Divine Energy.  

Deepak Chopra - I read his book Synchrodestiny many years ago and every word resonated with me. I love this book and I'd like to hear his philosophies first hand. I believe that books find me and this was no exception. I had heard a lot about his books but they were so expensive and somehow didn't ignite any interest. Then one day browsing through a table of discounted books I chanced upon Synchrodestiny for a throwaway price and all because someone had put a felt pen mark on the cover. I not only loved the title but I was so drawn to it I had to buy it. Never regretted that decision.

Dr Brian Weiss - I am fascinated by his books and his theories of past lives, future lives and lives in between. Only Love Is ReaI is one of my favourite books. I would love to get a more comprehensive view of his theories and to have a deeper understanding of the other side. Perhaps a past life regression session might be tempting too.

Helen Clark - Head of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and former Prime Minister of New Zealand. I have a great admiration for her. During her tenure as PM when so many countries gave in to pressure from the US, she stood firm that New Zealand would not participate in any war not endorsed by the United Nations. It was obviously not a popular stance with the US who declared you are either with us or against us. She was unfazed by these threats and resolute in her decision.  And my admiration for her grew. Someday I would love to work for the UNDP or at least in humanitarian services in global aid programmes particularly in the arena of children. Who better than Helen Clark to point me in the right direction.

Richard Gere - He is one of my favourite actors. But it his affinity to Buddhism and India that fascinates me. I'd like to find out about his spiritual evolution.

Krishna Das - An American vocalist of Hindu devotional music (Kirtan). He is an amazing singer and his music can put me into a meditative state. He sings with so much love and devotion. An evening of Kirtan with him would be the icing on the cake. I love his Heart as Wide as the World cd (you can listen to some song clips via that link).

Would love to know your guest list. Share yours in a post and link it to I Confess #IMC - Ultimate Dinner Party Guest List or just leave your list in the comments.

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Warm Regards

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  1. Nice list...I wouldn't mind meeting the Dalai Lama or Helen Clark from your list. This was a fun prompt...I think I've done it before but my list has changed slightly

  2. Oh such an interesting list! I would love to be invited to this dinner party! :)

    1. Thanks The Side I Hide. Glad you liked my list.

  3. Wow Krishnas music really is relaxing. That is one great table of guests!!

    1. Thanks Alicia. Glad you liked my list and the music. He is just awesome.

  4. That Dalai Lama is at the top of my list as well, but I confess, I would need him at breakfast and lunch too!

    1. Thanks Noella. I'd like t spend a whole day with him too :)

  5. I'd like to be invited to YOUR dinner, or at least get to serve you guys so I can listen to the conversation, too. :-)

  6. A lovely prompt! I wouldn't mind the Dalai Lama and Richard Gere, Suzy. Must think of some others too! What a party yours would be!

    1. Thanks Corinne. Would love to know who is on your list.

  7. I tried to leave a comment last night after my laptop powered down but it mustn't have made it through! This would be a very interesting dinner party - you'd have the chance to solve many of the world's ills during the course of the night!

    1. Thanks Kirsty - this is a dinner party I do want to have!

  8. Brian Weiss - totally!! I want a session actually :) fabulous list you got there Suzy.

    1. Thanks Parul. Wouldn't it be awesome. I'm hoping someday I will get to meet him.

  9. This is a tough one! I’d probably choose one of my favourite chic lit authors eg Cathy Kelly or Catherine Alliott; Jesus Christ because so many questions to ask and who couldn’t do with a bit of unconditional love and forgiveness; Princess Diana coz LEGEND; Hugh Jackman because CUTE … after that my brain has run out of ideas!

    1. Thanks Janet. Jesus, Princes Diana, Hugh Jackman - oh I'd like to be at your party :)

  10. Oooo, so many possibilities! I think, given my current focus on novel writing, I'd limit it to my favorite writers. My list would include Jim Butcher, Janet Evanovich, JK Rowling, Neil Gaimen, and Diana Gabaldon.

    1. Thanks Traci. oh I'd like to meet JK Rowling.

  11. Interesting guest list! I'd love to dine with Dalai lama, Richard Gere and Deepak Chopra from your guest list!

    1. Thanks Shilpa. I would truly like to meet them all one day.I love prompts like these that help set an intention for the future.

  12. I like your list, Suzy. That is quite the group you have put together. :D Also, I would love to dine with Dalai Lama and Richard Gere from your list.

  13. have a fun weekend.


    check out short story slam week 31 today.

  15. Quite interesting, Suzy! You have got me thinking now :) Maybe I will take a couple of guests from your list too.

    1. Thanks Beloo. These hypothetical parties are fun.

  16. That bunch of your guests can be a great combination ... seems like a 'practical spirituality in tough times' theme.

    My thinking caps are on for my guest list ... I think i will reserve it for another day another blog post.


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