Thursday, September 12, 2013


I is for Inspiration for ABC Wednesday.

Thought I might do something different and instead of quoting some famous inspirational quotes, I would share some of my own. These are words that have either motivated me or helped me through difficult times:

In the larger scheme of things, everything balances out 
When things go wrong this helps to put that into perspective. When the difficult times appear, this helps me get through it knowing that the good times will come. All things must balance.

Go with the flow, be Zen, let it go 
This is one of my favourites and summarises my philosophy of life very nicely. The path that we are meant to be on (good or bad) is the path that we are already walking. Sometimes the "bad" path is there to teach us something. When I go with the flow, eventually the path either becomes enjoyable or new paths suddenly open up that are pleasurable and exciting. Resisting flow not only adds stress but it also prevents the things that you are meant to have from appearing. I also believe that things occur for a reason, best not to fret over it and simply let go. Letting go also makes place for the new.

And most recently a few words that I posted on a comment at Penny McDaniel's blog Spiritunity were converted into a quote by her - thank you Penny. So honoured. So here it is:

When we move with love, we can move mountains
Once I got this concept, my life changed completely. I've also noticed that when I'm in difficult situations and breaking through is proving to be a real test, things become easier and the tension lifts when I move into a place of love. This usually calms me down and allows me to look at the situation from the other's perspective or from a completely different perspective (if it's not a person who is involved). Things just become more pleasant. There are of course moments when I simply cannot break through no matter what and for me that usually means that it's time to let go of the situation, thing or person.

So what inspires you - please share.

Have an interesting and illuminating day.

Warm Regards



  1. Very inspirational post. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. Everything does balance out and I do believe we get grace sufficient for our needs. Very inspirational, Suzy!

    1. Thanks Corinne. Yes so true we get sufficient grace. We are also only given that which we are capable of achieving. Sometimes we just don't believe that.

  3. This really spoke to me this morning. My Mom who is 87 has fallen several times in the past two years and suffers from a lot of pain. She was up visiting us and fell again today before going home. My sis and I took her to the hospital and she was so STRESSED and worried that she had broken another bone. THANK GOODNESS all was OK and I read to her your post about accepting what happened and learn from it. She was walking without her cane--a NO NO. She headed back to her home along with her sister and all is well at the moment.

    1. So sorry to hear about your mum's fall Ann, but glad that she is okay. And glad that my post could be of help.

  4. I can relate to Ann's comment very well. Been helping my 88 year old mother. Luckily she hasn't had any falls but between mom, kids, businesses and more it is important to just let the stress go.... that or go crazy, right? Great original words Suzy.

    1. Thanks Carolina HeartStrings. Yep, better let the stress go - infinitely better than going crazy. Glad you liked my words.

  5. Thank you for sharing Suzy. Somehow, what we give eventually comes back to us - good or bad - that is what I believe in. So as long as we are good and true to ourselves, we can be saved....

    1. So true Bhavya - what we put out, we get back.

  6. Wow, Suzy, this is amazing! The quotes.

    I think I connect well with the first one- I believe too much that whatever that happens in your life has a meaning, sooner or later, you would find out what! And eventually everything it all falls in place :)

    1. Thanks Kajal. Glad you liked my words. I believe too that all things happen for a reason and all things in life balance out.

  7. Yes everything (whether good or bad) happens for a reason.

    When we move with love, we can move mountains. and I can relate to this. Very inspirational post Suzy and we all need this nectar from time to time.

    1. Thanks Kalpana. Glad you found my words inspirational and thanks for describing my post as nectar.

  8. I'll have to remember these quotes of yours. I guess my favourite one is "This, too, shall pass."

    abcw team

    1. Thanks Leslie. This too shall pass is also one of my favourite quotes. Glad you liked mine.

  9. You have said it perfectly.

    Take everything easy, worry less, laugh more and like Leslie has mentioned above - "This too shall pass"

    1. Thanks Mytakeoneverything. Glad you liked my post. You've summed up my thoughts very well. Thank you.

  10. When we move with love,we can move mountain..How true.Lovely post suzy as usual.its so inspirational.:)

    1. Thanks Anu. Glad you found my post inspirational.

  11. If there is one thing I definitely believe in, have faith in, it is in the balance of life. What a great equalizer!

    Your quotes are wonderful. :-)

    1. Thanks Vidya - life is definitely a great equalizer. Glad you liked my quotes.

  12. Oh, wow, what great sayings and oh, so true! This post reminds me my latest one where I talked about God's timing. Great minds think alike, Suzy! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Your post on Divine timing is super. Yes it is truly best to go with the flow. Blessings to you too my friend.

  13. I love the beautiful quote, In the larger scheme of things, everything balances out and it makes sense to me. It soothes the heart at a time when things are low. Thanks, Suzy:)

    1. Thanks Vishal. It is my belief that all things in life must balance and that is comforting.

  14. Going with the flow is something I really need to learn, Suzy. I tend to get easily frustrated when things don't go my way. Maybe I needed to love more, too. <3

    Melodies In The Sand

    1. Hi Irene, took me a long time to learn how to go with the flow. But now and then the frustration does creep through. Keep smiling.

  15. In the larger scheme of things, everything balances out... I so agree with this... have experienced this so many times. And yes, love can move mountains!! :)
    Very inspiring post! :)

    1. Thanks Shilpa. Hsppy you found this inspirational.


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