I have the privilege of hosting this week's prompt "Destiny" for The Writer's Post blog hop
Destiny is a topic that fascinates me.
There are moments in my life when I've done things that I never thought I was capable of doing and then there are times when I've failed to do something relatively simple.
Even when I felt some trepidation or where the task seemed impossible, my mind willed me forward to achieve. Mind over matter prevailed.
But if mind does prevail over matter, then how does one explain those events where seemingly simple things just don't seem to fly, plans fall apart, nothing fits together. The mind just cannot find a way to succeed.
Is destiny the quiet ally or saboteur?
I believe that when it is meant to be, destiny the ally drives the circumstances for the mind to prevail over matter and when it's not meant to be, destiny the saboteur steers you away from success.
So is destiny carved in stone or can we change our destiny - or in other words do we have free will?
I believe that in the journey of our life we have a major destiny and a multitude of minor ones that lead us to our major destiny.
Our major and minor destinies are pre-determined and will eventually be reached but there are many pathways to each destiny point.
The choices we make during the journey will determine the road we take to those points. Or in other words, we have free will to choose the path to that destiny point.
Our gut feel or intuition signals unease if we are veering off the path and will plant the deep desire to turn towards our pre-determined destination. Often we will heed this very reliable indicator and change paths ourselves.
But the Universe also lends us a helping hand and gently points us back in the direction of our destiny when we veer off the path significantly.
Free will was given to us so we could learn, experience and grow. If everything was pre-determined, I don't think there would be any purpose in life. The choices we make and the journey itself makes our life interesting, exciting, worthwhile and fulfilling.
We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.
~ Dag Hammarskjold
Please join in this blog hop and share your thoughts on Destiny or take the prompt and use it any way you want. I look forward to reading your posts.
Hope you have an interesting day and I also hope that today Destiny is your ally.
Warm Regards