Saturday, June 7, 2014

Inspiration from Maya Angelou

There are times when I lose that writing mojo and I stare blankly at the prompts and nothing comes to mind.

Then there are days when someone rude turns up at my blog post and completely deflates my enthusiasm for writing.

And then I stumble upon a quote that encourages me to write again.

I wrote some of the worst poetry west from the Mississippi River, but I wrote. 
And I finally sometimes got it right. 
~ Maya Angelou

image source: google images

Notes to self: 
The idea is to keep writing even when some days the inspiration is lacking and the posts are flat. And never mind the rude person, it takes all kinds to make a world and Maya Angelou would have simply brushed him aside. 

Reminder to self (from my previous post)
Write from your heart and it's sure to touch someone else's. 

Warm Regards

Written for the Write Tribe

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  1. Love the quote. Writing is passion and we should never stop indulging in the free flow of words that gives fulfilment:)

    1. So true Vishal. Once we pick up the pen again, the ink starts to flow.

    2. I so needed this Suzy, off late I am so much busy with so many things that writing has taken a back seat. At times, I write and then I feel, it's not turned out to be good. Then I get angry at myself.....this post of yours has just come for me :-)
      Thank you Suzy. Maya's words are so beautiful:-)

    3. Thanks Gayu. I'm glad my post was of help to you - that truly makes my writing all worthwhile. Maya Angelou wrote some amazing words.

  2. Rude people act as catalysts for creativity :) We need to ignore them and go on with our writing.

    1. So true Sulekha - best to let go and move on.

  3. Beautiful, and all so true. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. I know what you mean Suzy...Happens to me too... But like you said we should brush those people aside...I'd like to borrow this note too for a slightly different reason..I lost my mojo being alone but I should still write...


    1. Thanks Naba. Glad my post helped you. Keep writing. Hugs.

  5. It's important to do what Maya says, Suzy. I agree with her. As for the rude people, they're possibly having a bad day and you were the unintended victim. You keep writing, as always. The good ones keep coming back :)

    1. Thanks Shailaja for your very encouraging words. Yep, must keep writing.

  6. As the wise say, everyone serves a purpose, the rude ones too :) So let them be and you keep searching for your mojo and keep writing, dear Suzy. That was a wonderful quote from Maya Angelou, like the humor in that, of course with a thoughtful message.

    1. So true Beloo - the rude ones either break us or make us and we choose that not they. Thank you dear friend for your very wise words. Hugs.

  7. Don't mind what others have to say, just write for yourself :) There are lot more who loves to read what you write. :)

    1. Thanks Rajlakshmi that's so sweet. Hugs.

  8. Kabir in one of his couplets has said that 'critics should always be welcomed because they direct us towards betterment'....
    Yes.....I totally agree that writing is heart to heart journey....
    Maya Angelou will always be an inspiration for us...

    1. Thanks Shellymona. Agree critics help us become better, this rudeness was however about something else. In any case, I'm over it now.

  9. Oh, dont let the rude comments dishearten you. Like somebody said, "Don't get it right, get it written". So, keep writing, keep sharing! Cheers :)

    1. Thanks Shilpa. I'm over it now. Thanks for the encouragement.

  10. I love the way you write. I don't know, how could anyone even think of criticizing you, in the first place. You are too good Suzy. Keep writing. And this is no exaggeration, i tell you.

    1. Thanks Jini. That's so sweet. But the rudeness was for something else. In any case I've put it behind me now. Thanks for your very kind words and encouragement.

  11. Love your thoughts, Suzy. We do have to keep reminding ourselves of the intrinsic value of what we do.

    1. Thanks Elaine. So true and also value what we do.

  12. Such inspirational words! Loved it :) And yes, the idea is indeed to keep writing, even when things don't always go to your liking.

  13. Oh Suzy, there have been so many times when I just felt like throwing in the towel because I have no idea what to write or because someone deflates my enthusiasm. One thing is for sure, quitting because someone is rude is only letting them win, control your life, and take away something that gives you such joy. No one should be allowed to have that kind of power. I know exactly where you are coming from because I struggle with all that too. On days like that I just don't post. I knit. I create art. I do other stuff...and so far the words find their way through my fingertips once again.

    1. Thanks Kathy. You are so right and also an inspiration. Hugs

  14. I must confess that I have not read any of her work! Hope to rectify it soon!!

    1. I haven't read her books but I love her poems.

  15. Suzy even if you did not write sure did make me ponder over issues esp with Maya angelo's quote that failure is not the end :)

    keep it coming :)

    1. I guess in the end we just have to keep writing and keep trying. Thanks Ruchira.

  16. As long as you write you can express yourself and think about your life. What things made you happy and what things do you still wish for? Writing is always better than talking.
    Have a great weekend, Suzy!
    Wil, ABCW Team

    1. Thanks Wil. You just gave me some ideas for writing. Thanks.

  17. I've been languishing without writing for a long time now. A very long period of almost a month. I've read this post at the right time, I believe. You've written it so well, to the point and the quote you've chosen is the best suited here !! :)

    1. Thanks Sreeja. I hope it inspired you to write.


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